Thank you to the Canadian Tire teams in Québec

We would like to highlight the remarkable generosity of the Dealers who own the 100 Canadian Tire stores in Québec and their employees. Thanks to them, the foundation is able to achieve its mission.

See the list of Québec stores

Thank you to Canadian Tire customers

The donation boxes installed at the exits of Canadian Tire stores in Québec are an important source of revenue for the foundation. Whether Canadian Tire money or change, thanks to the generosity of in-store customers we raised $186,869 in 2019.


Thank you to our valued partners and donors

Through the extensive Canadian Tire network, the foundation is fortunate to count on the support of generous partners and sponsors throughout the year.

We thank all of the sponsors associated with the foundation events.

To find out who the partners are for each event, please visit the fundraising activities section.

Fundraising activities